As a hospital, you will have to make choices about how you wish to position yourself. Where would you like to situate yourself in the healthcare system? Which are the main target groups you serve? And what will you continue to do, as well as what you will you stop doing?
Altogether, this approach will make your hospital agile and justify its future existence. A clear strategy is in line with the mission, provides direction for the healthcare portfolio, helps with positioning and also tells you which organisational choices you need to make in order to realise your strategy.
How can Vintura help you determine your strategy?
We can help you to determine your optimal strategy, make choices in the healthcare portfolio, and choose a suitable organisational structure. Vintura develops your strategy in partnership with people in your organisation. The result is a well-founded strategy that is also supported by the organisation. We believe that a strategy shouldn’t stand alone, but that it provides real added value when aligned with your mission, your role in the healthcare field, and your ambition. Above all, it should be concrete enough to enable the organisation to act accordingly.
A good strategic process addresses the following questions:
- Mission & Ambition: what/who do we want to be and what is our role within the healthcare system? What would we like to achieve? What do we do with Value-Based Healthcare?
- Market: who are our current and future patients/clients? What are their present and changing needs, and how is the demand for healthcare changing?
- Proposition: which products/services do we offer in order to meet these needs? Which choices do we need to make in our healthcare portfolio? What is our value proposition? What distinguishes us?
- Organisation: which structure, process, qualities and capacities do we need in order to properly implement these propositions? What role does eHealth play? How to we manage this, and which is the most suitable reporting structure?

Looking for more information about strategy and portfolios?
Vintura has extensive experience in developing strategic plans in the healthcare sector, and the selection of portfolio options. You can see some of our previous projects here.