
Setting up a global Medical Affairs 5-year ambition

The Global Medical Affairs (GMA) of a big international pharmaceutical company aimed to finalize their 5-year ambition with a future proof role and stronger role for Medical Affairs within the company.

Cocreating an ambition that clearly addresses trends

The goal was to cocreate with the GMA leadership their 5 year ambition. The leadership team would highlight the internal trends that were impacting their organization but also emphasize the internal GMA value, while Vintura was responsible for the analysis of the external trends affecting Medical Affairs and specific TAs as well as the external value of GMA. All elements should be taken into consideration when together drafting their ambition.

Actionable ambition to guide the strategy

Based on GMA’s unique internal & external value and key success factors, as well as their expected impact, actionable ambition statements were cocreated.

Quickly adapting to the COVID-19 situation, we ran this important and time critical process fully in a virtual setting. Our extensive experience in workshop design and cocreation was a key enabler and of tremendous help.

We together defined with the leadership team in virtual workshops, what are the priority trends and how GMA is uniquely positioned to address them. The brainstorm session was performed using an online whiteboard; polling tools supported guided discussions.

Stress the value of GMA internally and externally

In addition to the ambition, together, we analysed key trends to be addressed as well as stressed the unique value GMA brings internally and externally. This was key to re-position our client as a key strategic pillar in their organization! We cocreated a five-year ambition, which shows that GMA unites the external and the internal by being the lighthouse of medical value.

The cocreated ambition is actionable and the next steps include the definition of concrete short-, medium and long-term projects and initiatives to realize the ambition in a timely manner.

My bicultural background (Brazilian-German) gave me the ability to easily understand different ways of thinking and to approach challenges on a different manner.