
Rapid Diagnosis for Oncology Patients

Quick Answers

“Do I have cancer?” A frightening question, and one a patient wants answered as quickly as possible. But before an answer can be provided, several highly specialized tests have to be completed. This is a complex process for hospitals. Together with two Dutch academic hospitals, we have developed and implemented solutions to accelerate the process.

Process Optimization and Implementation

Working with front-line doctors and nurses, we identified where and how the diagnostic process for various types of tumors could be improved or speeded up. We then determined the impact and feasibility of each of these measures. Finally, we prepared the hospital and referring bodies to actually offer rapid diagnoses to their worried patients.

Treatment Advice within a Week

Thanks to our rapid diagnostics, hospitals can now tell within in a relatively short period of time whether or not a tumor is cancerous. Usually inside a week. So that the patient knows as soon as possible what they are up against, and the clinician can provide optimum treatment advice. This solution also keeps the patient’s hospital visits to a minimum. All in all, an outcome we at Vintura are extremely proud of!

I believe in co-creation with the client. Combining their know-how and information with my experience and creativity results in solutions they love.