
Pacmed winner of the Vintura Impact in Healthcare Award 2017

During the Impact in Healthcare event yesterday, three initiatives competed for the Vintura Impact in Healthcare Award. The public and the professional jury chose Pacmed as the winner. The other two nominees were Punt voor Parkinson and Prehabilitatie Darmkanker (Máxima Medisch Centrum).

Professional jury: Pacmed translates big data into n=1

The professional jury included Cathy van Beek (Radboudumc), Joris van Eijck (Menzis), Sonja Willems (Janssen Benelux), Cor Oosterwijk (Director VSOP) and Bas Amesz (Vintura Partner). Together with the audience, they chose Pacmed as the winner. Cathy van Beek explains: “The impact of this initiative is huge. And it’s great that this came from the National Think Tank. They are young, smart people. They translate big data into n=1 and thus support the decisions made by doctors and patients.”

Pacmed: prize will help us take the next step

Pacmed develops decision support tools based on the analysis of anonymous routine healthcare data. With one click, Pacmed presents doctors with the expected outcomes of various treatment options, based on the outcomes of the treatment of comparable patients within their medical facility. In addition to the award, they won a €10,000 prize and five Vintura Consultancy Days. Willem Herter, Pacmed director, says: “We’re proud to have won on the basis of votes from people with so much knowledge and expertise in the healthcare sector. Winning €10,000 and five consultancy days means a great deal to us as a small business, and will help us to take the next step. We’re going to use the prize to further shape our strategy in hospital healthcare and the development of decision support for more illnesses in the first line.”

Valuable feedback

All three nominees received valuable feedback during interactive sessions with the attendees, including around 100 managers and senior managers from the healthcare sector, patient organisations and the life sciences.

By organising this event, Vintura hopes to boost pioneering initiatives that have had a demonstrably large impact for the patient over the previous year. In doing so, Vintura wants to contribute to realising better healthcare that is both available and affordable for all patients.

More than 30 entries

In total there were more than 30 entries this year for the Impact in Healthcare Award. The jury tested the extent to which the initiatives satisfied the established criteria for ‘creating’ ‘meaningful impact’ ‘in healthcare’ ‘together’.

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